Educational Talent Search
“Quality of Life after High School”
Polk State’s Educational Talent Search (ETS) program was established in 1998. Funded through the U.S. Department of Education, it is a free comprehensive intervention program designed for students in grades 6-12, helping them to succeed in graduating from middle school and high school, preparing them for continued education, and graduating from a post-secondary institution of their choice.
ETS identifies and assists students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The Talent Search staff provides academic, career, college, and financial aid advisement to program participants, motivating them to better understand their educational opportunities and options.
The ETS program at Polk State College strives to prepare participants for college and career success. Talent Search helps participants recognize and tap into their inner talents and strengths to develop resiliency and persistence, regardless of life’s challenges and obstacles.
To apply or obtain an application, please call 863.297.1097 or email
ETS Director Pedro A. Rodriguez at